PCR Bike Tour Day 10 of 39 Doheny SP to Redondo Beach. May grey, long beaches, chaotic street ride

PCR Bike Tour Day 10 of 39 Doheny SP to Redondo Beach. May grey, long beaches, chaotic street ride
High wire tree work at Laguna Beach

Waking early and finishing up the last of my hotdog buns with peanut butter and honey for breakfast. Even though they don’t look so appetizing they’ve actually grown on me. It doesn’t taste too bad and it’s a quick way to get a lot of calories and energy to start the day. One little bit left of the peanut butter and then I can get rid of that big jar and dead weight. Next up the honey bottle.

Looks bad, taste OK, but high in energy

Just before leaving, the camp host offered me an energy bar to send me on my way. I graciously accepted and thanked her for the stay at the site. The people I have interacted with have been so kind. Without me even requesting, I’ve been offered water, beer, dinner, electric air pump, offers of assistance, advice, and now an energy bar.

Laguna Beach – a scenic Cove
Laguna beach chairs and table in the park
Lifeguard building at Laguna Beach
Paddle boarder on the ocean
Hotel in Laguna Beach on rock edge
House side parking for yacht.
You can ride along the beach for miles and miles. From the south first hitting Crystal Cove and then transitioning to Newport Beach, Huntington Beach, Seal Beach and then Long Beach
Stop at Zack’s on the beach for lunch
At Zach’s, I chatted with this gentleman for a while about the beach and the “May gray” gloomy weather.
Towards Long Beach, there are wide bike and separated pedestrian paths
Bike and pedestrian path near Long Beach buildings
This building looks very similar to one in Vancouver Washington. I wonder if it was the same architect?
Out on the pier in Long Beach. The previous pier in Huntington Beach did not allow bicycles.
The birds at the pier hung around near the people fishing
Lions lighthouse in Long Beach
The Queen Mary taken from rainbow Harbour Long Beach
At this point the route turned inland away from the beach. I started seeing a lot of homeless camps in this area. It was sketchy and I didn’t linger.

In the Long Beach area at the Port of Los Angeles, I traveled inland away from the coast. I was not looking forward to this and it did end up being quite hectic and nerve-racking. It may have been the busiest and most trucks I’ve ridden through ever. Being that it was in the middle of the workday, I think it made it even worse. But I made it through without any incidents. In fact, to date on this tour, no one has given me an angry honk or yelled at me (yet)!

I had to ride through this mess and others like it. Very chaotic and draining.
Finally back to the coast at Redondo Beach
I knew I wouldn’t make it through this whole area in one day and there are no campgrounds. So I called it a day after 59 miles in Redondo Beach at a hotel.

Ride summary: 6/10 difficulty, 59 miles with 1950 feet climbing. Cloudy, foggy and some breaks of sun.

Today’s detailed GPS information

7 responses to “PCR Bike Tour Day 10 of 39 Doheny SP to Redondo Beach. May grey, long beaches, chaotic street ride”

  1. Brings back memories of when I took a trip down there to play a couple of Volleyball tournaments on those beaches. That was a while ago. Good fun though.

    Your Hon Butt Bun Breakfast is quite a sight.

  2. You sure get to experience the sights and sounds differently from your bicycle. Most of them, except for that traffic, look wonderful.

  3. Mike and I are so enjoying your posts! Very impressive! We’re heading out to ride our dirt bikes this weekend-opting for a throttle instead of pedaling 😂
    So what is the white fluffy thing in your front pack??

  4. Sounds like you have met some nice people on your journey. I really liked hearing that vehicle drivers have been respectful. There are really good people out there. God is good.

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