PCR Bike Tour Day 6 of 39 PCT to Cuyamaca SP CA. Cool to warm, Wynola, Julian and Other Cyclists

PCR Bike Tour Day 6 of 39 PCT to Cuyamaca SP CA. Cool to warm, Wynola, Julian and Other Cyclists

I didn’t get much sleep last night and it was an interesting experience wild camping. It makes a difference being all alone and little critters bugging you all night snooping around the tent. It doesn’t make for a very sound sleep. I woke up at the break of day, glad night was over. There were already PCT hikers walking by and it was barely even light. Made myself a breakfast of hotdog buns, honey and peanut butter.

I was packed up and on the road before 7 AM. It was still cold, around 50°F. It was mostly flat the first part of the day, I was cruising and feeling good. I’m amazed how green the area is and not all desert like I would think. It reminds me of Eastern Oregon or Washington. A lot of cow fields, horse ranches and different agriculture.

Beautiful curvy roads on Highway 79
You’ll see a lot of cows along this route
The sun came out after about an hour and a half of riding and then finally started warming up.

Since yesterday, I’ve been seeing all kinds of ground squirrel like creature. They let out a warning chirp and then head really fast into their burrows in the ground. I’ve been trying to get them on camera and today I finally got one.

The skittish ground squirrel like creatures let out a squeak warning signal

I also spotted a coyote. It was way out in the field hunting and looking around. I was able to zoom in and get a video.

Coyote spotted just before Santa Ysabel

When I made it to Santa Ysabel, I decided it was time for second breakfast. As I ate, a person inquired about my travels and where it was going. This is quite common for people to be curious when you’re biking with a bunch of gear.

Second breakfast at Don’s market

I continued up the hills to two neat tourist towns; first Wynola and second Julian. I stopped to get an ice cream in Julian but it was too busy and I was impatient, so I left.

Old trucks somewhere in Julian area.
There are lots of nice buildings in Wynola and Julian

At the highest elevation there were some nice view points and lake Cuyamaca. I wasn’t planning to stop here but I decided to check in at the campground to see if they had a hiker / biker option. I found out they did, for five dollars. All the standard sites were full so people were being turned away. I was originally planning to go further today, but wild camping again wasn’t appealing. I did a quick route check and verified I should be able to make it to the Mexico border from here tomorrow. It’s going to be a long mileage but mostly downhill so it should be very doable. So I opted to stay here with the hope of getting better sleep.

Viewpoint off Highway 79
I was in a paceline for half a second when I got passed
Lake Cuyamaca
Hiker /Biker camping is an unadvertised option at Pico Picacho campground at Cuyamaca Rancho state park. I had to move my panniers into the tent after a squirrel tried to get into them.

It ends up I’m the only one here in the hike / biker area. Basically you camp in a certain section of the day use area. But I have a good place to pitch my tent, a picnic table, water and a restroom.

I expect smooth sailing tomorrow, making good time and reaching the border. The furthest point south for me.

Here is the detailed GPS of today’s ride. Ride difficulty 5 out of 10 with 35 miles covered and 3400 ft climbing.

2 responses to “PCR Bike Tour Day 6 of 39 PCT to Cuyamaca SP CA. Cool to warm, Wynola, Julian and Other Cyclists”

  1. I was surprised to see that you gained a fair amount of elevation from your starting point. $6.00 for a scary sandwich; I hope it went down well.

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